BDARS is a not-for- profit incorporated society with the objects of:-
- The promotion of Amateur Radio in the community.
- To foster fellowship among amateurs in the Bayside district and local areas.
- To assist and encourage people of all ages in training for their Amateur Operator’s Licence.
- To provide a service to the community if requested.
Many society activities incur costs, so integrating fundraising into our activities is crucial to cover our financial commitments.
Every contribution plays a part in ensuring the society’s ongoing viability and demonstrates understanding and willingness to ‘put something back’ from those individuals involved.
Below are some of our key, self organised fundraising sources. Each topic heading links to a detailed page with more information (where available).

Special Items for Sale
From time-to-time BDARS is able to offer for sale special items that may be donated, surplus to our requirements , or on behalf of another party.
BDARS is happy to receive suitable donated items – or to help the owner sell their items on a commission basis.

Amateur radio is a fantastic hobby but, inevitably there comes a time when there is a surplus in our collection, sometimes going back many years.
BDARS is happy to receive suitable donated items or to help the owner sell items on a commission basis.

Commercial Sponsorship
BDARS welcomes support from commercial organisations.
Partnering together BDARS is able to promote vendors or to offer special discounts from partners to our membership.

The Club Shop
Connectors, baluns, cables and electronic components are examples of the lifeblood essentials of our hobby.
BDARS stocks and sells a select range of items available to members and non-members. Our shop is web-based able to take payments using familiar online methods.

Club Raffles
Exciting for all, and a great fundraiser especially if backed by a commercial sponsor, Raffles represent a fun activity with the opportunity to win big!
From time to time BDARS runs raffles to raise funds. Check the linked page for our latest competition.

Containers for Change – Recycling Bottles and Cans
BDARS is fundraising with Containers for Change.
BDARS number is: C11519406
Share the BDARS membership number for supporters to use at the refund point to donate to the society.
At BDARS we must always consider any financial opportunity at our activities. It’s important for all of us to recognize the need to raise funds whenever possible.
For example, passing a donation hat at a social meeting event is our simple yet effective way to demonstrate commitment and support for the club.
Your involvement and support are key to ensuring we can keep moving forward!
Our operating costs are only covered by the dedicated efforts of our members.
Ongoing support from local community organizations like the Redland Council and the Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund have helped us with special project and capital items and are a valuable ongoing supporter of the society.
We also are very grateful to Bunnings who allow us to run fundraising BBQ’s, manned by our members at their premises several times a year.
Thank you BDARS members and the community!