BDARS will again be participating in the John Moyle Field Day which this year runs over this weekend: 15-16th March 2025. We have selected this Saturday morning (15th) for our club’s participation in this field day event.
The contest is run in memory of John Moyle who was the editor of the Wireless Weekly from 1947 until 1960. Serving during WW2 , he kept radio equipment working under arduous conditions .
The aim of the contest is to encourage and provide familiarisation with portable and field operation,and provide training for emergency situations.
Our BDARS team will be operating this Saturday morning from Cascades Park, Victoria Point, Redlands, adjacent to our clubhouse using our contest callsign VK4B for the Six Hour Portable Operation section. There may be support for up to for 4 HF bands, and operators will take turns operating the field equipment for up to two hours each.
Please be there for 9AM if you are setting up, and 11:00AM if you wish to operate. Martin VK4MCU and Colin VK4ZPU can provide details how the day’s event will be run.
This is a good spot for newbies to the hobby to learn how contest operations, including logging, are done. A great experience – even if you only want to watch.
Hopefully the weather will be better than last year!