Repeaters and Gateways

BDARS operates three repeaters on the 2m and 70cm bands using the call-sign VK4RDB. The current service status can be found here.

The repeater station is located on Mount Cotton, which is about 28km south East of Brisbane, the antenna tower is on a ridge of around 200m with an open aspect in all directions from the top third of the tower.

Repeater Output MHzRepeater Input MHzModesBandwidthCTCSSLinked to
438.450431.450FM and C4FM Fusion25Khz91.5HzWires-X, 59002
Echolink 474766
438.825431.825Digital Modes12.5KHzDMR
146.875146.275FM25KHz91.5HzIRLP 6633 (offline)
Echolink 488558

All three repeaters are connected to the Internet, and thus can communicate through to other repeaters located around the world. Further information is available on our associated web pages.

The repeater coverage footprints are approximately:-.

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