How do I join BDARS?

Membership of the Society is open to all with an interest in communication via radio. We welcome those living locally, interstate or overseas. Students are especially welcome.

If you are interested in becoming a member, then the best thing to do introduce yourself via email (see the “contact us“ section of this website). Or you are welcome at any of our meetings as a guest.  You will find us friendly and encouraging.

The membership application form can be downloaded here: –

You can then email your details to the  A photograph of this is fine (it does not need to be scanned)

If you are already a licensed amateur radio operator, you are welcome to call in on the regular nets as detailed on the activities page. Membership is not required for use of the nets.

You may pay your membership fee, currently AU$50 per annum, at a club meeting or deposit into the society’s bank account (see below).

Do I need to hold an Amateur Radio Licence to be a member of BDARS?

The answer is definitely not! We welcome both licensed and non-licensed people to come along to the club, see who we are and get involved if you like what you see.

What are the BDARS club bank details?

BSB     124-025 (BOQ)    Account number  10227910

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