Our next Tech/Social meeting at the Redland Museum is on Monday 16th December, 7:00PM for 7:30PM start. Members and visitors (non members) are always welcomed.
Our mix of social and technical goodness will be well represented; it’s the time to consider bringing a small food contribution to share for supper – as this is our last meeting before Christmas.
On the tech side of things, fellow member John Bews, VK4JBE, is also hoping to share some of his insights into experiments with planar and slotted antennas. These antenna types are unfamiliar to most of us. However, aside from their fascinating properties and applications, they are, surprisingly, widely deployed in the modern world!
Of course if you have something you would like to share for a quick ‘show and tell’ just bring along your project or news to share with everyone.
Also on the agenda is a quick update on recent club activities, and there will be extra time for the special supper and a good chat with your colleagues.
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