Monthly General Meeting

photo of general meeting in progress

The club’s next General Meeting is at the Redland Museum on Monday 2nd December, with a 7:00PM arrival for a 7:30PM start. All members and visitors are welcome.

Apart from the normal business agenda, you can hear the latest club news about the progression of the museum and clubhouse projects. We also hope to have a short Amateur Radio topic for your attention (volunteers needed to talk please). Discussion topics also include fundraising and about Mt Cotton following the recent storm damage.

We are also still trialing recording and/or live streaming as members generally support the initiative – and not everyone can always attend in person. Volunteers specifically interested in assisting or running the video/audio activity will be most welcome – please email Martin,

General meetings are always a good place to catch-up on club activities, hear about the future plans for the club, and of course share the gold coin coffee and chinwag afterwards.



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One response to “Monthly General Meeting”

  1. Sid Tyler Avatar
    Sid Tyler

    Thank you all so much for the warm welcome I received on Monday at your meetimg