Great Tech Nite meeting

QRM Kit donation

Last night’s Tech Nite turned out be one of our best ever. We had close to 30 attendees.

The highlight was the talk by Ian VK3BUF & Paul VK2APA on Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA). Ian and Paul ran through the really practical ways that RASA is helping our hobby. There’s heaps more to see at RASA’s website.

In particular, they demonstrated the work and advice that RASA provides in helping us locate and defeat QRM around our shacks. RASA donated one the “QRM Kill Kits” to the club for our use, gratefully received by our president Ralf VK4GCR.

Our big thanks to Ian and Paul for a most useful and insightful talk.

Our attention than turned to our auction of donated equipment, capably hosted by Russ VK4DCM. We raised well over $300 for the club, and most importantly, many of us went home with another “treasure”.


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