Long-distance and Field Radio Enthusiast Special Interest Group
The term ‘DX’ came from years ago with telegraphy; it was used by the operators to signify ‘distant’ or ‘distance’.
Today DX refers to the challenge of making radio contacts by all modes, voice, digital or even Morse code (CW).
This challenge when combined with low power transmitter operation in the middle of the bush , or on top of a hill, using temporary antennas and battery power enhances the experience for the amateur operators.

BDARS has a very active group of enthusiasts that love going places, the fresh air and, importantly, the low radio interference found away from suburbia.
Scott VK4MGL is our leader of this group, and he inspires us to follow his lead :-

Contest Calendar
Colin VK4ZPU kindly maintains the BDARS Contest Calendar Spreadsheet. This shows the contests that the club anticipates we will be participating in.