Christmas Luncheon

Christmas party1

At today’s BDARS End of Year Christmas Lunch, the Committee was honoured to present VK4GNG George Caldera, with the 2023 Roy Mahoney Shield. The Roy Mahoney Shield, is presented each year,  to the Club Member that has shown exceptional support towards the Club by any means that assists the group in moving forward and progressing the Hobby and or the Club in general.

As can be seen from the attached photo, a great turn-out to the End of Year Party and we would like to thank all those that attended with a special thanks
to those that helped organize the event. Apart from the Roy Mahoney Shield, several other awards were also presented today in recognition for the efforts
that the team has contributed throughout the year.


Throughout the year certain individuals within the club do far more than their equal share in keeping the club as vibrant and active as it is today. These members are often in the background and are quiet contributors. That’s not to say that our other members do not play their part in fundraising and organising – they certainly do and still deserve a big thank you to all!

In recognition of the club’s special gratitude for contributions above the call of duty, and with some tongue-in-cheeky awards too, the club presented the following accolades at the celebration lunch:-

*       Net control – Peter Black VK4VY (runs the net reliably and faithfully every week).

*       Grand Poobah of the Sausage Sizzle – George Caldera VK4GNG (cannot express how much we appreciate George taking control of organising the sausage sizzles and making them a success).

*       Plus One VK4NAF’s XYL – Shirley (comes along and assists at sausage sizzles when she has no requirement to do so).

*       Badala Ya (Swahili for “instead of”) – Honey VK4YW’s XYL (Steve has been unwell and unable to attend sausage sizzles, so Honey comes along in his place).

*       Still has his hair and his smile – Phil Hutchings VK4PG.

*       Eddie Everywhere – Eddie Tomes VK4TJE (20% of the people do 80% of the work, and Eddie keeps popping up everywhere doing things for the club).

*       Quiet achiever – Geoff FoxVK4FK (Treasurer is a thankless job, GF does it quietly and reliably).

*       It’s not really radio – Martin Uljee VK4MCU(for his services to Digital Radio)

*       Presidential Excellence – Ralf Finke VK4GCR (so committed to the club, supporting everything that he can, and a good egg).


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