Tech/Social night

group sitting around table with antennas and radios

Our next Tech/Social meeting at the Redland Museum is on Monday 17th March, New Start Time 6:45PM for 7:00PM start. Members and visitors (non members) are always welcomed.


On the agenda is a talk from Phil VK4PG about his homebrew Direct Conversion Receiver derived by the ‘Solder Smoke Challenge‘ project. If you have never built your own active component based radio, this is a project that inspires investigation and opens up the challenge to ask ‘how does it work?’

Overall, building the Direct Conversion Radio is a fun and not too difficult project. It takes us back to our grass-roots of basic soldering and radio theory, but is simple enough to provide a working radio outcome from just a casual ‘weekend’ project. Phil will tell us how he did it, what to look out for, and demonstrate how well it works.

Also on the agenda is a presentation by Henry, VK4BUD and his latest New Zealand visit. Henry did marvelous things establishing two-way radio communication under poor propagation conditions. He will share some of his insights about what worked and what didn’t and also tell us a bit more about his latest NZ adventure.

There will also be the usual update on recent club activities, time for a coffee and a chat with your colleagues, and of course any ‘show-and-tells’ that you bring along to introduce to the group – your latest technology acquisitions or home brew projects to amaze the other members!.

In-line with the club’s initiative to help us all refresh and wonder over some of the technical aspects of the hobby. If you have a topic you would like to share with the group at this or later meetings please let our President Martin know.

Its also a good opportunity to:-

  • Enlist help for anything you need from the other members.
  • Confirm shared travel arrangements for visiting the upcoming contests, hamfests and meetings.


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