June General Meeting


We had a busy meeting last night, covering lots of ground.  Highlights were:

New Members.  We welcomed Rohan from Kenya, not yet licensed but keen to get started.  And Chris VK4EO, returning to the hobby after some years of inactivity.

Contests.  Shires Contest this weekend.  BDARS will operate from the Museum veranda on Saturday (2pm to 8 pm) and Sunday (8 am to 2 pm).   Here are the rules.

Morse Code Lessons.  Grant VK4JAZ has agreed to provide some coaching and lessons for those keen to brush up their CW skills. 

BDARS Shop.  George VK4GNG says he will run the shop from his QTH. We have coax, connectors, 9 m and 10 m squid poles and BDARS shirts.  Contact George at  g.caldera@iinet.net.au

Mt Cotton Working Bees. New VHF/UHF antennas.  The donated antennas have now been installed on our own mast.  Russ VK4DCM says they work well. The club VHF/UHF station with Icom 9700 uses these.  This station is available for all club members to use (after training).  Contact Russ VK4DCM at russellww@ozemail.com.au The new digital rack has also been commissioned with new antennas installed.  It includes an ADSB receiver for tracking commercial aircraft.  See https://www.bdars.org.au/ads-b/

BDARS Club HF Station. Phil VK4PG will run another training session on the club’s FlexRadio 6400 100 watt HF station on Saturday 17th June.  A further email follow to all members with more details.

Exams.  At our last session, Eddie VK4TJE ran five exams.


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