Saturday clubhouse meet

Inside clubhouse showing lots of people and activity

Thanks to all the members who came down to the clubhouse today and joined in on the fun and activities:-

Apart from the regulars, we were delighted to see Damo and his seeing-eye dog Jenna pop down – although he had only just finished his Saturday morning radio show on Mushroom FM. Damo also showed off his new portable network amateur radio which runs a newer version of Android.

Henry, recently returned from New Zealand, had lots to recount and then got fully involved in discussions with David about satellite antenna design. It reminded us that we need a few volunteers to help install some modest and discrete antennas at the clubhouse so we can set up a permanent base station.

Dennis and Bob spent some time catching up with the Raspberry Pi GPIO / Python learning project which is being led by John. Hopefully they are now ready for the next instructor led session this coming Wednesday afternoon.

Inside clubhouse with busy people

As usual there was lots of time to have a cuppa and social chat around the boardroom table – with the biscuits kindly supplied by John Paul. Of course, this pleasant activity also raised some funds for the club by the contributions left in the donations jar.

We all enjoyed everyone’s company – another special and worthwhile Saturday morning!


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