Tech/Social night

Ham operator at computer and SDR radio with a large satellite dish in the background

Our next Tech/Social meeting at the museum is on Monday 21st October,
7:00PM for 7:30PM start. Members and visitors (non members) are always

In-line with the club’s initiative to help us all refresh and wonder over some of the technical aspects of the hobby, we also like to host some pop-up short talks/presentations on interesting matters in these meetings. If you have a topic you would like to share with the group please let our secretary Martin know.

John Bews VK4JBE will be presenting and demonstrating the Nano Vector Network Analyser: VNA’s used to be the tools of that only high-end organisations could afford – they cost many thousands of dollars, but now for less than $200 we can all add one to our toolbox. John will show us why we need one and what we can do when we get ours!

Finally, Henry VK4BUD is going to present some insights on his recent NZ visit about propagation and antennas and a just a little more about the practical use of VNA’s in this context.

Always on the agenda is a quick update on recent club activities, time for a coffee and a chat with your colleagues, and of course any ‘show-and-tells’ that you bring along to introduce to the group – your latest technology acquisitions or home brew projects to amaze the other members!.

Its also a good opportunity to:-

  • Enlist help for anything you need from the other members.
  • Confirm shared arrangements for the upcoming contests, hamfests and meetings.



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