Postal Address
Bayside District Amateur Radio Society Inc
PO Box 411
Capalaba Qld 4157
How to Find Our Meetings
Our meetings are held at Redland Museum, 60 Smith Street, Cleveland, 4163

Our Club Meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month at 7.30pm. Visitors are always welcome, please come and join us to check us out.
Our first monthly meeting is a General Meeting and we use the second meeting for our “Tech Nite” where we have technical talks and discussion.
We are fortunate to meet at the Redland Museum, 60 Smith Street. Cleveland. The meeting room is at the south eastern corner of the building.
Call-in is via the VHF Repeater VK4RDB on 146.875 MHz (-600KHz, 91.5Hz) if needed.
Our Clubhouse
Our clubhouse, is Cascades Hall in Cascades Park, Victoria Point. It’s towards the far end of the park when approaching from Redland Bay Road (past Bunnings on your right ).
This is the link to Google Maps
The address is 314 Colburn Ave, Victoria Point QLD 4165; Cascades Hall Victoria Point and it’s the last short paved road/drive on the left before the traffic light junction.

Parking is right outside, but Meals on Wheels buildings are at the far end of the carpark and tend to fill up several slots in the morning. There is nearby parking in the turning about 80m before the Cascades Hall turning,which is into a larger parking area with a BBQ and facilities. There is also usually some extra space along our nature strip in our own car park.
The clubhouse has all services connected and has an accessible toilet etc.
Be aware that when leaving our car park’s slip road, before joining the main road it joins the primary driveway to the wastewater plant on left and its an unmarked ‘Give Way’ junction. There can be tanker trucks and other traffic using the larger driveway.
Coffee Meetings
We meet for an informal chat and coffee at the Redlands Sporting Club, Wellington Point on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 10 am
(Please see the BDARS calendar and the rest of this site for further details)